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Yoga Therapy

Cervical Spondylosis

       This session is designed for those suffering from acute to chronic neck pain, stiffness or spasms, (suitable for muscle, nerve or disc related conditions). The more common sites of osteoarthritic involvement of the cervical spine are C5 through C7. The sessions aim to relax, stretch and strengthen the spinal support muscles, reduce pain, and increase blood circulation to aid the healing process, decompress and correct misalignments of the spine with the help of props.
         Now a days Neck pain is very common from all age groups. It is due to prolonged sitting, driving vehicles, desk work and aging process etc. Bad posture and unequal weight leads to neck pain, shoulder pain and upper back pain, also some long term activities may increase the risk of developing cervical spondylitis. Cervical Spondylitis or cervical osteoarthritis is a physical condition caused by wear and tear of bones and cartilages in cervical region.
         The role of Align yoga is to teach person the ideal neck posture in different activities. Align yoga treatment comprises of different method of applying traction to spine which help to realign the cervical posture. The aim of traction is to create space around spinal cord and its roots this help to remove pain and release spasm.

About Us

Align Yoga is a kind of yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body.
Align Yoga, focusing on simplified asanas for a variety of illnesses.
